Spending huge amounts of our income on food became an annoyance to me. I'd rather go to Europe thank you very much!! We wanted four things, to eat well and enjoy our meals while keeping our weight and our expenses under control. Incentive was born and I started to do something about it. I hope to use this Blog to share what I've discovered.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Corned Beef Hash
3 lbs. corned beef
3 potatoes
2 Tbsp. butter
1 green or red pepper
1 large onion
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
4 Tbsp. butter
Place corned beef in kettle, add water to cover, and bring to boil, then lower to a simmer and allow to cook for 3 hours.
Remove from kettle and let cool.
Trim off excess fat and cut into small cubes.
Boil potatoes in salted water until tender, but still firm
Drain, then cool.
Chop pepper and onion into a fine dice, then saute in butter until wilted.
Put corned beef, potatoes, pepper and onion in a bowl, then add whole egg, egg yolk and Worcestershire sauce.
Blend well, form into a compact loaf, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate, preferably overnight. Or form into individual patties.
Heat butter in skillet and add meat mixture, turning to cook thoroughly.
When meat is nicely browned, place under a broiler for a few minutes to make the top crisp.
Serve with poached eggs.
Courtesy of FoodReference.com.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Foof Cravings
Cravings are not just physiological – emotions can also play a huge part in why you crave the foods you do.
It’s easy to associate certain foods with certain times or places that make you feel soothed or comforted. These associations can be directly related to your cravings. For example, if you're tired or ill, you may crave chicken soup like your Mom used to make.
If you’re lonely, you might crave ice cream because that’s what your parents gave you to cheer you up when you were a child. In times like these, it's important to focus on the nurturing that your body really needs. For instance, do you need a break? More rest? More nutrients?
There is a very fine line between what can be called a craving and what may be an episode of emotional eating. Next time you experience a craving, ask yourself if it has any emotional motivation.
It might be hard to admit to yourself that you're reaching for food to help make you feel better, and even harder to face and deal with the stress and emotions that lead you to seek comfort from food in the first place. But if you can establish a connection between a craving and an emotional need you can learn to satisfy the emotional need instead of numbing it with food.
Before you go craving mad
Everybody experiences cravings now and then, whether for physical, emotional or any other reasons. It’s nothing to stress about and nothing to feel guilty over.
The most important thing to remember when dealing with cravings is not to let them get out of control – learn to recognize what’s going on with your cravings at a physical and an emotional level, and try to prevent the craving if you can.
If you can’t prevent it, remember that sometimes satisfying your craving a little, before you go craving mad, is the best way to respond.
Monday, May 08, 2006
A little satisfaction on your cravings
If you can’t prevent it, often the best way to beat a craving is actually to satisfy it – a little.
The problem with many cravings is that they get out of control when you don’t satisfy them initially. For that reason, it’s best not to eat "around" the food you are craving.
If you really feel like having a piece of candy, have it. Don't try to substitute it with a range of other foods if you think you'll end up eating the candy anyway.
If you obsessively avoid the food you’re craving, you’re also far more likely to binge on it eventually than if you have a small amount when you first crave it.
But be warned, this advice can be dangerous if you ignore the “a little” part. If you know you can’t stop at a little, it’s best not to start at all.
If you are facing a craving that a small portion won't fix, try putting the 'Four Ds' into practice.
1. Delay for a few minutes and the urge will pass
2. Drink water
3. Deep breathe
4. Do something else to take your mind off eating
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Cravings for the Forbidden Foods
Saying “I’m not going to eat any chocolate at all” is a sure-fire way to end up craving it a week later. It’s better to have the occasional, planned treat than to deny yourself a food altogether.
Restricting a certain food group, such as carbohydrates, also pretty much gurantees a craving.
For example, if you eliminate bread from your diet for an extended period of time, it's bread that you’re most likely to crave.
Staying interested in what you’re eating is key to preventing cravings. A monotonous, boring diet in which you only eat certain foods will inevitably lead to cravings.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Cravings and how to prevent them
Sound too familiar? If you feel like you’re constantly craving one food or another, it’s very likely that you’re simply not eating properly.
First, you may just be hungry. Do you get enough calories from protein, healthy fats and carbohydrate?
Do you eat at regular enough intervals?
When you’re hungry you’re more likely to crave high-calorie, high-fat foods.
Cravings are also often related to dips in blood sugar levels, which happen when you don’t eat regularly enough. If you experience a dip in blood sugar, you’re likely to look for a quick fix in the form of chocolate or other candy.
Eating regular, well-balanced meals, with plenty of lowfat protein (eggs, fish, lean meat, legumes, leafy greens) will ensure that your blood sugar levels are stable and that you are getting the calories you require throughout the day. This can make a huge difference to getting your cravings under control.
Smart snacking on fruit, nuts, seeds (pumpkin, sunflower etc.) chopped vegetables, homemade soup, yogurt or lowfat cheese will also help you prevent a mid-afternoon blood sugar slump and the cravings that accompany it.
Also keep in mind that lack of certain nutrients can lead to cravings. For example, lack of protein may cause you to crave ice cream, lack of carbohydrate may cause you to crave fries, and so on.
The same goes for micronutrients – chocolate contains zinc and magnesium, so your afternoon Hershey’s bar may simply be satisfying a physiological need for more broccoli.
Although, if you’re craving chocolate sometimes no other food will hit the spot – there’s a reason Hershey’s doesn’t make a broccoli bar.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Bean Salad
One 16 oz can of each of the following.
green beans
wax beans
garbanzo or lima beans
kidney beans
1/2 cup of each of the following (chopped).
green pepper
1/4 cup chopped sweet vinegar peppers
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon Hungarian paprika
1 cup cider or white distilled vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic, peeled and minced
1/4 teaspoon hot red pepper flakes
salt and pepper, to taste
Drain canned ingredients and empty into a large salad bowl, add the chopped cauliflower, celery, onion, and peppers.
In a blender, combine sugar, paprika, vinegar, garlic, hot pepper flakes and oil. If you do not have a blender use a small bowl and a whisk, works really well.
Pour over vegetables; stir together well. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Cooking steak
Do you like it cooked rare, or as my brother puts it, waved over the fire.
Steak cooked the way you like it is a real art, and one that is not done without a lot of trial and error.
Well done Steak is more to my personal preference and it is hard to get one done just right.
Look for future posts on the following subjects.
cooking steak in the oven
how to cook steak in a oven
cooking tuna steak
cooking sirloin steak
cooking steak times
cooking ribeye steak
cooking perfect steak
cooking steak tip
steak cooking temperature
cooking t bone steak
cooking round steak
cooking recipe steak
cooking steak grill
cooking flank steak
cooking salmon steak
cooking cube steak
cooking venison steak
cooking porterhouse steak
cooking veal steak
cooking steak indoors
new york steak cooking
cooking ham steak
cooking steak stove
cooking deer steak
cooking steak time
cooking angus steak
cooking a fillet steak
cooking rib eye steak
chart cooking steak
cooking new york strip steak
cooking shark steak
recipe for cooking tuna steak
cooking mesquite over ribeye steak wood
cooking prime rib steak
cooking pork steak
cooking skirt steak
cooking a beef steak
cooking rib steak
cooking chuck steak
cooking indoors porterhouse steak
tri tip steak cooking instructions
bear steak cooking
steak cooking instructions
cooking london broil steak
buffalo steak cooking
cooking elk steak
cooking top sirloin steak
cooking eye round steak
cooking a good steak
steak cooking guide
tip cooking steak in oven
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Nutrition Facts Table
In December, 2005, large food manufacturers placed new Nutrition Facts Tables on their products to include the amount of trans fat in the food. (Small food manufacturers will be required to include this information on the Nutrition Facts Table by December 2007.) The reason? Trans fat is thought to be more unhealthy than saturated fat in increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Armed with these new labels, you may now become a savvy trans fat detector. The less you eat the better.
What is trans fat?
Trans fat is created when an unsaturated fat is processed or hydrogenated. Hydrogen is added to liquid vegetable oils to make them solid. Hydrogenated fats extend a food’s shelf life or improve its shape or texture. These fats are found in commercial baked goods and for cooking in many restaurants and fast-food chains.
Trans fat may be found in deep fried foods from fast food outlets, partially hydrogenated margarines, crackers, cookies, popcorn, chocolate bars, candy, doughnuts, cakes and other commercially baked products. The words “partially hydrogenated” or “vegetable oil shortening” in the ingredients list on a food package will tell you the product contains trans fat. Foods with partially hydrogenated margarines and shortening are a major source of trans fat.
Impact on heart disease and stroke
Certain types of dietary fat contribute to atherosclerosis, heart disease and other conditions. For example, saturated fats (found in fatty meats and full-fat milk products, snacks and fast foods) and trans fats raise blood cholesterol – and heart disease risk along with it. A high level of blood cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, which can lead to a heart attack and can increase your risk of stroke. Trans fats are more hazardous to your health than saturated fat because they not only raise your “bad” cholesterol (low density lipoprotein or LDL-cholesterol) levels, but they also lower your “good” cholesterol (high density lipoprotein or HDL-cholesterol).
Unfortunately, scientists have not been able to determine any safe levels of trans fat intake. The best advice is to try to eliminate or lower trans fat from your diet as much as possible. And while Canadians are becoming increasingly aware of the health risks associated with them, our consumption of trans and saturated fat is one of the highest in the world.
What you can do
By lowering or eliminating the amount of trans fat and saturated fat in your diet, you lower your risk for heart disease and stroke, too. Here’s how:
- Read the Nutrition Facts Table on all labelled foods to help you choose products such as margarines, snacks, cookies and crackers with less or no saturated and trans fat (less than 10% daily value) and avoid products with higher saturated and trans fat (greater than 10% daily value). Choose lower-fat versions of products that contain trans fat, such as microwave popcorn, coffee whiteners and croutons. Read more about food labels.
- Look for the Heart and Stroke’s Health Check™ symbol on food packaging in the grocery store. Every food in the program is evaluated by the Foundation’s dietitians based on Canada’s Food Guide. The Health Check™ symbol is your assurance that the product contributes to an overall healthy diet. Visit www.healthcheck.org for a list of more than 500 products.
- Include the “good” fats. Some fatty acids, like omega-3 (Found in cold water fish such as mackerel, salmon, herring, trout and cod, flaxseed, canola oil, soybean oil, nuts, omega-3 eggs and liquid egg products) are actually good for your heart and are an important part of a healthy diet.
- Follow Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating if you’re trying to reduce trans fats.
- Eat a healthy diet that includes 5 to 10 servings of vegetables and fruit per day.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation is co-chairing, with Health Canada, the National Trans Fat Task Force. The Task Force is working closely with food manufacturers to significantly reduce or eliminate trans fat from foods sold in Canada.
Read more about the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s recommendations
Read more about other dietary fats
Dietitians of Canada www.dietitians.ca
Last reviewed March 2006.
Friday, March 24, 2006
Cooking Garlic Beef Steak
4 cloves garlic
1 chili pepper
1 scallion
1/2 T cooking wine
1/2 T cornstarch
1 tsp salt
1 T rice wine
1 tsp soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
1/2 T cornstarch mixed with 2 T water
Cut each rib fillet into three equal portions.
Prepare a marinade with 1/2 T cooking wine, 1/2 T and 1 tsp salt. Marinate steak for 20 minutes.
Mince garlic, shred chili pepper and scallion finely.
Heat oil in a wok, fry beef ribs until half cooked; remove and set aside; stir fry chili pepper and scallion, then garlic. Return ribs, add 1 T rice wine, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp sugar, 1/2 T cornstarch water.
Saute over high heat until ribs are done. Serve.
Monday, March 06, 2006
a list of some Veggies
Baby cabbage
Belgian endive
Bibb lettuce
Black perigord truffle
Broad bean
Brussels sprouts
Butterhead lettuce
Button mushroom
Celery root
Cep mushroom
Champignon mushroom
Chanterell mushroom
Cherry tomato
Common mushroom
Collard greens
Cos lettuce
Cultivated mushroom
Curly endive
Curly kale
Egg mushroom
Fava bean
Field mushroom
Flemish leaf
French bean
Gherkin cucumber
Girolle mushroom
Globe artichoke
Green bean
Green peppe4
Haricot bean
Iceberg lettuce
Italian cucumber
Italian tomato
Jerusalem artichoke
Lamb's lettuce
Love apple
Mignonette lettuce
Morel mushroom
Morille mushroom
Open cap mushroom
Plum tomato
Portobello mushroom
Red cabbage
Red-grained truffle
Red onion
Red pepper
Romaine lettuce
Roma tomato
Runner bean
Savoy cabbage
Spanish onion
Spring onion
Sponge mushroom
Sweet corn
Swiss chard
Violet truffle
White cabbage
White piedmontese truffle
Yellow pepper
Monday, February 27, 2006
Healthy Eating Trends
Counting carbohydrates, limiting fats and modifying portions are all popular approaches to weight loss.
People who find the right balance between a varied nutritious diet and physical activity enjoy a stable weight and overall health.
Luckily, turkey adapts to all meals plans. It's a delicious, versatile protein. A 3-ounce serving of boneless, skinless turkey breast contains 26 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of saturated fat.
That's 8 percent more protein than the same size serving of boneless skinless chicken breast or trimmed top loin beefsteak.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
What’s cooking for 2006?
“Over the next few years, I think consumers’ focus will be on maintaining a healthy balance of carbs and calories, as opposed to extreme food choices,” Lynn Dornblaster, an analyst with market research firm Mintel, told Reuters.
And a recent AC Nielsen report predicted that because of growing rates of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure, consumers will continue to obsess over their health.
Products containing low glycemic index (GI) will continue to be popular, with some experts claiming the GI system to be a more sensible version of the low-carb Atkins diet. (The glycaemic index measures how quickly certain foods release carbohydrates into the body, which in turn raise consumers’ blood glucose levels.) Evidence has shown that low GI foods can help control weight and reduce the risk of diabetes.
According to AC Nielsen, antioxidants are also set to hit the mainstream. “Spending on antioxidants in health activists’ markets was estimated to be among the highest of all health-related categories in terms of year-over-year growth,” the study reported.
Liquid tea led the segment, while organic products also experienced continued growth.
Other food trends to look for:
More top quality frozen organic foods, particularly vegetables.
More whole grains. General Mills, for instance, recently converted all their cereal brands to whole grains, as well as certain bakery items such as cinnamon rolls, croissants and puff pastries.
Organic chocolate (the cocoa plant is one of the most heavily sprayed with pesticides.)
Snacks that deliver balanced nutrition through portion control such as small, 100 calorie packs of Oreo cookies and Cheese Nips
More products addressing specific health benefits, such as the French company Danone’s line of Activia probiotic yogurts to help regulate the digestive system.
More food products formulated or packaged specifically for older boomers, such as Proctor & Gamble’s Folgers Aroma Seal coffee canister that has as easy-grip molded handle.
The consensus among industry experts and trend spotters is that for 2006, health is definitely hot, which means consumers will at least try to eat healthier.
© February 2006 Fifty-Plus.net Inc.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
For those who want Extra Fiber
Barley flour can be purchased in some supermarkets, specialty and health food stores. Rather than trying the recipes developed by www.hamiltonsbarley.com, who provided the flour, I tested the recommended substitution - 1 cup (250 ml) barley flour for equal parts flour - on a favourite recipe. These muffins, originally from my book The Enlightened Eater's Whole Foods Guide, have the double whammy of fibre from both barley and oats.
1/4 cup oats (any variety, uncooked) 50 ml
1 tbsp firmly packed brown sugar 15 ml
1 tbsp soft margarine, melted 15 ml
Pinch pumpkin pie spice Pinch
1-1/2 cups barley flour 375 ml
1 cup oats (any variety, uncooked) 250 ml
3/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar 175 ml
2 tbsp coarsely chopped nuts 25 ml
1 tbsp baking powder 15 ml
1-1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice 7 ml
1/2 tsp baking soda 2 ml
1/4 tsp salt 1 ml
1 cup canned or cooked pumpkin 250 ml
3/4 cup skim or 1% milk 175 ml
1/3 cup vegetable oil 75 ml
1 egg, lightly beaten 1
Line 12 medium muffin cups with paper baking cups or lightly grease bottoms only.
Streusel: In small bowl, combine oats, brown sugar, margarine and pumpkin pie spice. Mix well and set aside.
Muffins: In large bowl, combine barley flour, oats, brown sugar, nuts, baking powder, pumpkin pie spice, baking soda and salt; mix well. In separate bowl, combine pumpkin, milk, oil and egg. Add to dry mixture and mix just until dry ingredients are moistened. Fill muffin cups almost full.
Sprinkle streusel evenly over batter, patting gently. Bake in 400 F (200 C) oven for 22 to 25 minutes or until golden brown. Let muffins stand a few minutes; remove from pan. Serve warm. Makes 12 muffins
Per muffin nutritional information: calories: 220; protein: 5 g; fat: 8 g; saturated fat: 1 g; carbohydrate: 34 g; dietary fibre: 4 g; sodium: 78 mg.
Rosie Schwartz is a Toronto-based consulting dietitian and is the author of The Enlightened Eater's Whole Foods Guide: Harvest the Power of Phyto Foods (Viking Canada).
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
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Sunday, February 05, 2006
Go with the grain
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Carb phobia is finally letting up. And in its aftermath is the recognition that not all carbohydrate-rich foods are created equal. While white bread and other refined grain products aren't making a comeback on the menus of the health conscious, whole grains are another story. Late in 2004, a conference in New Orleans whose theme was Whole Grains Go Mainstream presented a wide array of scientific studies trumpeting the health benefits of these foods. The event, organized by the Whole Grains Council, a consortium of the Oldways Preservation Trust and grain millers, manufacturers, scientists and chefs, featured educational sessions, along with culinary demonstrations and tastings.
But sorting through various grain products to come up with the most healthful option is not always an easy task. A glance at the labels on some breads reveals where some of this confusion may originate. Names containing words such as oats, multi-grain and 12-grain abound on packages. But a reading of their ingredient lists provides the real story. Ingredients are listed in descending order by amount, so if enriched wheat flour is listed as the first ingredient, it means white flour is the number 1 ingredient. Instead, choose those breads where the word "whole" appears first.
Whole grains are made up of the entire kernel of the grain - the bran, the germ and the endosperm. When grains are refined, both the nutrient-rich bran and germ are removed, leaving only the endosperm. But the bran and germ are the nutritional powerhouse behind the benefits provided by whole grains. Not only do they contain vitamins, minerals and fibre but also an assortment of other disease-fighting compounds.
Among the health perks outlined at the conference were links between eating whole grains and a decreased risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers and diabetes, with the dividend of easier waist management. Studies show that barley is a top-notch source of soluble fibre - the type that helps regulate blood sugar readings and decrease blood cholesterol levels. But barley also contains compounds called tocotrienols, which have been shown to decrease cholesterol production in a similar manner to some of the popular cholesterol-lowering drugs.
In the battle against weight gain, two major studies conducted at Harvard University show that people who consume whole grain products are less likely to experience weight gain over the years. The latest study followed more than 27,000 men over an eight-year period and found that those who consumed the most whole grains gained the least amount of weight. The other investigation, on more than 74,000 women, showed similar results. But this study went a step further by demonstrating that consuming refined grains was associated with weight gain. The researchers suggested that it was not just the fibre at work, making you feel fuller and more satisfied, but a mix of as yet unidentified compounds that may boost metabolic rates or calorie-burning capacity.
Whole grain products are associated with lower levels of insulin. Insulin resistance, a condition where the body is less sensitive to insulin's effects, can lead to type 2 diabetes. A recent study of more than 2,000 people, conducted at the U.S. Agriculture Research Service, suggests that consuming three or more servings of whole grain foods daily could decrease the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by a combination of abdominal obesity; insulin resistance and poor blood sugar control; high blood pressure; low HDL (the "good" cholesterol); and high blood fats. This cluster of risk factors boosts the chances of developing heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
And if these studies are not enough to increase your whole grain consumption, consider these facts: whole grains are also chock full of antioxidants, in some cases proving a richer source than fruits and vegetables. Whole grains outrank refined ones when it comes to other nutrients as well. For instance, whole grain flour has more than six times the magnesium and four times the potassium of white flour. Both of these minerals are important players in maintaining healthy blood pressure readings. And don't forget the role grains play in maintaining bowel regularity.
For those that are geting up in years Whole Grain is a very important Food Group.
Check with your Doctor before making a big change in your everyday Diet
Sunday, January 15, 2006
One of the surprising principles in the Sonoma Diet is, "to lose weight, you have to love to eat."
This is contrary to the requirements of other fad diets, which usually deprive dieters from eating certain foods.
Gutterson, a registered dietitian, culinary professional and nutrition consultant to the renowned Culinary Institute of America in New York, describes the diet as "a uniquely flavorful weight-loss plan that brings together the art and science of food, combining the latest knowledge from the world of nutritional research with culinary arts."
The diet’s roots can be found not in the lab, but in two agriculturally abundant regions of the world: the fertile coast of the Mediterranean Sea and California’s lush Sonoma Valley.
These two sun-drenched regions, Gutterson said in Sonomadiet.com, have something in common besides their climate: "They share a festive approach to eating—a heartfelt love of great food that turns every meal into a celebration of life."
On the Early Show aired January 4 on CBS News (www.cbsnews.com), Gutterson explains: "The diet is a healthy way of eating where you’re enjoying meals, often with a glass of wine. But it adds a weight-loss component . . . Flavor is part of health, and it’s part of losing weight successfully. . . . And when you’re eating nutrient-rich foods that are flavorful, you’re more satisfied and you’re not going to be hungry."
Gutterson adds: "There are no foods that you’re not going to be able to have on this diet. It isn’t about deprivation. It’s a celebration of foods that becomes a way of eating for life."
Besides easy-to-prepare recipes (Steak and Blue Cheese Wrap, Chile Mint Burgers, Greek Pizza, Peachy Berry Cobbler) with wine pairings to boot, Gutterson’s book lists down what she calls as 10 Power Foods that are both nutritious and tasty.
These are whole grains, which are filling and fibrous; almonds and other nuts that has "a healthy type of fat for your heart;" olive oil; and lots of fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, grapes and peppers.
The diet also consists of three phases which Gutterson calls "Waves." These outline the foods a dieter can enjoy while eliminating his cravings for unhealthy food. As he progresses, the food he can enjoy becomes broader until he reaches his desired weight and is given the free hand to customize his diet.
While the Sonoma Diet still hasn’t earned much publicity in the Philippines, it has already sparked the interests of weight watchers across America. But with a more tolerant approach to eating than the recent and much stricter diet craze, South Beach, Guttersen’s method may soon create a following in the country. After all, it is the only diet that promotes eating foods in their right amount and balance.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Golden Rule of Health
After weeks of partying and indulging in holiday feasts, it’s time to diet—again.
On regular days we somehow manage to stick to a moderate eating habit, and then completely let go of it once the holiday season sets in.
Now that the banquets and drinking sprees are over, it’s time to face the mirror and count the ways to shed off those unwanted pounds. Again.
As always, diet and exercise is the healthiest weight-loss combination. But because not everyone can afford—time or money-wise—to engage in a regular exercise routine, others resort to dieting alone.
In dieting, any legitimate weight-loss doctor will advise that moderation is the key to healthy eating, and ultimately, a healthy weight.
The right diet means not depriving yourself of the foods you want to eat but merely controlling your portions.
By trying everything in moderate amounts, from all the food groups—meat, fish, poultry, dairy, vegetables, fruits and whole grains—you not just get all the essential nutrients for your body. You manage to keep your desired weight as well.
This golden rule in dieting will not be found in any diet book or fad that have made people only unhealthier over the past several years—until the Sonoma Diet came this month.
Developed by Dr. Connie Guttersen, the Sonoma Diet is based on the eating lifestyles of people in the Mediterranean and Sonoma Valley in California. It holds the promise of teaching a healthy way to lose weight—using food variety and moderation in its core principles.
Guttersen’s book, The Sonoma Diet: Enjoy Foods with Flavor. Lose Weight for Life, was released by Meredith Books right on time—just when people are at the height of their postholiday health and weight worries.
And the good news is the diet seems to provide a healthy outlook on dieting. No all-meat, low-carb regimens. No raw-food only meals. No deprivation and no starvation.
All food groups are incorporated into the diet, and you may even dine with wine!