Spending huge amounts of our income on food became an annoyance to me. I'd rather go to Europe thank you very much!! We wanted four things, to eat well and enjoy our meals while keeping our weight and our expenses under control. Incentive was born and I started to do something about it. I hope to use this Blog to share what I've discovered.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Twin Births of Cultivation and Civilization

The development of grain cultivation is closely linked to the cultural history of humankind.

Indeed the original meaning of the word culture is cultivation.
As we all recall from our history classes, humans lived as wandering hunter-gatherers for eons.

The first civilizations arose as humans developed agriculture and animal husbandry.

These monumental innovations enabled humans to live in permanent settlements because they provided adequate food production to sustain life in a fixed location.

Since the dawn of civilization grain products have formed the base of the human diet.

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