Spending huge amounts of our income on food became an annoyance to me. I'd rather go to Europe thank you very much!! We wanted four things, to eat well and enjoy our meals while keeping our weight and our expenses under control. Incentive was born and I started to do something about it. I hope to use this Blog to share what I've discovered.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


i pound yellow corn meal
1.5 quarts of water

Bring water to boil, add 1 tsp of salt, add yellow corn meal SLOWLY and stir continously until thinck. Simmer for 20 minutes stirring frequently ( think almost continuously!)

Cooking up a full batch of polenta takes about 20 minutes. You can do it ahead, pour it into a large cake pan and place in the fridge to cool till needed.

After cooling the polenta it can be easily cut in 4 pieces. Wrap and freeze 3 of the pieces for quick easy use later.

The 1/4 we were using for our dinner last night was cut into about 1 inch slices.

Lay the slices on the bottom of a casserole dish and sprinkle Feta cheese over them. I used feta I'm sure most kinds of cheese would be wonderful.

Pop them into the microwave for 2 or 3 minutes on 7 and served them with a spaghetti sauce scooped over.

Very tasty and low fat. If the spaghetti sauce is homemade you can guarantee the salt content is low and healthy too.

Add a tossed salad and you have a nice light meal.

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